Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation Revealed
By Michele M. Newman

To be perfectly clear, I do NOT profess to be a prophet of any kind; however, I do believe the Lord has blessed me with a special visionary gift, as a prophetess, to interpret the words of the Biblical prophets and scriptures in a “New Light”. Isaiah 48:6-8 – “6...From this time forth I make you hear new things, hidden things which you have not known. 7They are created now, not long ago; before today you have never heard of them, lest you say, 'Behold, I knew them.' 8You have never heard, you have never known, from of old your ear has not been opened. For I knew that you would deal very treacherously...”

I say I was blessed with this gift because it was only at age 51 the Lord made it known to me and others that I was blessed as a Savant with high-functioning Autism. This happened only after I lost hope in all humanity and its cruelty towards one another in lieu of personal wickedness and desires. I could no longer bear the irrational dysfunction of society, so committed suicide. I took a lethal prescription overdose and experienced paralysis on my bed as I consumed my last breaths of life. Miraculously, I awoke the next morning on my bed. The next 12 months consisted of a major spiritual awakening within myself, along with severe personal suffering and trials with self, and through those whom I placed trust. Only after ending up on life support following 2 more failed suicide attempts, and God's intervention, did I accept the fact that the Lord was not finished with me on this earth. He had a greater plan for me. Since 2006, I've known this plan involved providing mankind with new insights to the scriptures, but had severe feelings of incompetence towards this task. Only through a deeper spiritual growth, understanding of the scriptures, support from other committed Christian peers, and lots of prayers, have I finally gained the courage to assume the task the Lord has placed upon me.

I am not a theologian, nor have a degree in religious studies. I am a spiritually committed lay Christian, who has been guided, unknowingly, by the Holy Spirit, in my heart since I was a toddler. Despite being different, a loner, because of my undiagnosed autism, I always had a survivor drive and mentality that came from deep within me. I NEVER felt alone in the nearly a half century of little to no social life and exposure, or limited pool of individuals I could consider close friends. I always had an inner comfort and warmth from deep inside my heart, which seemed to always bestow the necessary knowledge and wisdom to survive and endure all the good and bad that I experienced during my lifetime. I never quite understood it, but thought everyone was made and felt this way. That is, until my awakening during my rebirth and salvation, when it became clear it was the Holy Spirit residing within my heart and guiding me my entire life.

This was true commitment and investment that God, my true Father, and Christ, my Savior, has had in making me the person I am. They didn't give up on me when I had been so angered by humanity's dysfunction and cruelty, that I chose to give up on society and life. My whole life has been about serving others, because I somehow felt inferior due to my differences; however, because of my autism and the righteous life of integrity I have tried to live by, the Lord is rewarding (or cursing) me with a very arduous task of warning mankind about its pending doom in the VERY NEAR FUTURE. The state of the world's affairs and God's anger with mankind, along with the knowledge that the true Antichrist is now amongst us and preparing his plan for power, makes deliverance of this and other messages critical.

I have been given the gift to write fairly well; however, my interpretations of the scriptures and prophecy are not mine, alone. If I wanted to just write anything or interpret the scriptures on an intellectual level, I would have begun this assignment back in 2006-07; however, I prayed about my incompetence in complete knowledge of the Word. Heck, I've not even read the entire Bible (though I started January 2011, but became stalled in April 2013, while reading the prophesies of Isaiah and End Days). The words and interpretations I present here are guided by the wisdom of the Spirit who has guided my life since October 1955. Thus, I begin the Lord's New Message to mankind. As always, you have Free Will to accept or reject what the Lord has asked me to divulge or explain to you in these final days leading up to the nearing Tribulation. Those who heed the Lord's messages and act upon them will be rewarded. Those who choose to ignore what He has to say to mankind, well, you have chosen your destiny and will be judged and sentenced along with Satan, the Antichrist.

The seven churches that are spoken of in the Book of Revelation were considered to be “centers of communication” for the people of the “Living God”: Jesus Christ is head of this church. The church consists of gentiles who profess to know and/or believe in Jesus Christ. Gentiles are defined as every human who lived and walked this earth, but is not directly related to or descendant from one of the 12 Tribes of Israel (Jewish faith). The Jewish church is called a synagogue; Israel (Jews) are God's chosen and will have different trials/judgment during and after the Tribulation. Even though Jesus Christ died on the cross to nullify the sins of all man, to receive this gift of grace and redemption, you must PERSONALLY ask Christ to rid you of past sins, ask Him into your heart as your Lord AND Savior, then change your ways and get to know who Jesus Christ is, what He represents, then try to lead a righteous life dedicated to those principles.

Thus, if you are a Gentile, you belong to one of the seven churches described below. Only two of the seven churches currently have an open invitation to life everlasting. The faithful Christians and believers in Jesus Christ, and individuals who have decided to live the kind of righteous life God expects from His children, as taught by Jesus Christ through His chosen New Testament Disciple to the Gentiles, Paul. The remaining five, must refine your attitudes and foundational beliefs before the end of Tribulation (End Days) and the Second Coming (Advent) of Christ. Time is of the essence. We are not talking about the end of this century, but before Mid-Century; sometime between 2024 & 2054.

As with the interpretation of the Holy scriptures, I didn't just arbitrarily pull seven names out of a hat when I defined the Seven Angels assigned to each of the seven churches. Five of them were named in a 4-hour Epiphany I gave laying on a mattress on the floor in a psych ward (following my lethal suicide attempt), between midnight and 4 a.m. on December 22, 2005. They were not introduced as the angels at that time, but only recalled and assigned to their respective churches as I began to interpret the Book of Revelation. The two final angels were revealed to me during the following 18 months.

Read now, these words as presented to me through the Spirit in my heart, the description of the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation; the seven centers/churches of communication created for the Gentiles who have lived since Christ:

CHURCH in EPHESUS: Revelation 2:1-6
Mother Theresa = Angel to Church in Ephesus

You are “Born Again” Christians or people who have at one time given their hearts and soul to God, truly believed; even learned to listen and act upon the wisdom of the Holy Spirit allowing It to dwell within your heart. However, personal or greater events occurred, which caused doubt or question in that faith; maybe even caused you to abandon your faith in the Lord.

Though you've always fought for good and righteousness, Satan must have exhibited greater power in too many experiences that directly affected you. This caused doubt in your faith and the true power of God over evil.

You've not given in to Satan or evil ways, but no longer have the energy or faith in God to save you. His promises of redemption and wrath against evil seem like an impossible fight and losing battle against a formidable opponent. Evil has overtaken humanity. A great Creator who lives only in a person's hopes and beliefs seems to have no chance against tangible enemies in the here and now.

Mother Theresa had doubts as to whether her tireless efforts were even making the least bit of difference in all the sickness, hunger & poverty she tried to fight. She questioned her faith a number of times, but continued to hold onto her true allegiance; to the promises of her Heavenly Creator, making her the chosen Angel for the Church in Ephesus.

The Lord is “still in you”! He has not forsaken you for becoming weary of your battles against Satan and his army of evil. You just need to repent for your “fallen” time and sins you may have committed. Clean out that space in your heart where the Spirit used to reside, and hold a Welcome Home party.

The Lord has not forgotten the great works you once did. He gets it, you are mortal, no super hero, but He needs you to know you can't save the world, but you can still save YOURSELF; maybe save others along the way, too. We are sanctioned to save those who “can” be saved, not fight evil or injustice; the Lord and His army of angels have that task to bear. It is written...

CHURCH in SMYRNA: Revelation 2:8-11
Nelson Mandela = Angel to Church in Smyrna

You, who are a part of the Church in Smyrna are the millions of people (Gentiles) who inhabit the earth who may have learned about Jesus Christ, who He is and represents. Even if you have no religious beliefs or indoctrination, but understand love for one another and try to live a righteous life advocating for humanity, seek to understand who God is and the love He had to sacrifice His only son to assume ALL the sins for mankind. Strive to live a life, which stays true to that love in your heart, without breaking any of the Lord's new covenants delivered through the 13th disciple, Paul.

Most likely, you live in poverty or struggle day-to-day due to persecution by others influenced by evil, exhibiting superiority, prejudices or other attributes of those humans possessed by evil. Despite all your hardships and struggles, you continue to hold onto some faith in goodness and possible redemption of the innocent.

DO NOT give into the evil ways of the majority, but seek out the knowledge and understanding of the Lord. Listen to your heart; for that is where the goodness of the Spirit resides. Continue to hold onto “inner” hope and faith that has driven you thus far. Goodness WILL prevail and evil receive its final judgment. Do this and you (your soul) will receive an open invitation to everlasting life during final judgment made during the End Days.

CHURCH in PERGAMUM: Revelation 2:12-17
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. = Angel to Church in Pergamum

You are the church of people who profess to be Christians and believe in God & Jesus Christ. You may even belong to one church and/or attend church with regularity. Usually, your presence is physical; however, your spiritual presence is missing. You are theologians, ministerial servants of God, and lay people.

You have all allowed yourself to be raped by materialistic greed, lust and other acts of immorality condemned by God. Your mouths try to speak of your love or the truths of being a Christian / Godly person. You may even exhibit righteousness, but your innermost thoughts and heart have been contaminated by benefits of worshiping false idols. Dr. King studied the peaceful way of conquering injustice; however, somewhere along the line, he was overwhelmed by the growth to his ego & power his accomplishments provided. He was chosen by God as this angel, for his accomplishments for the goodness of man, in general; however, to represent the kind of leaders who belong to this church.

You can still be saved. Repent of your sins and conquer the desire to worship false idols (ego, materialism, power, wealth), the Lord will bless you with satisfying fulfillment and life everlasting.

CHURCH in THYATIRA: Revelation 2:18-29
President Barack Obama = Angel to Church in Thyatira

JEZEBEL = National “Government” Systems

SERVANTS = Appointed & Elected Officials (who misinterpret justice or goodness for the majority as they worship (false gods) idols

Revelation 2:20 = Means Jezebel is teaching Servants to practice immorality by accepting bribes from the rich, large corporations, major industries or other world powers.

President Obama must heed these scriptures and search deep within his heart and soul, and not be carried off with the corrupted servants of Jezebel. Indeed, America may fall during (but most likely after) his presidency; so long as he can look inward to his early political and leadership days and find that soul possessing the “truth” and “hope” of the Spirit for the good of man that originally defined him. He must look back and inward and remember his faith and trust in God; the Lord will reward him with a different power after the earth has fallen into ruins.

Members of the church of Thyatira are Christians (and believers) who are also professionally engaged in large national / international for-profit or non-profit corporations, and hold decision or policy-making positions. If you have or once had the love and spirit of Christ in your heart, you need to make sure “false prophets” have not been able to tempt or lure you into worshiping their idols of greed, lust, wealth, materialism, or notoriety through power at the sacrifice of human lives and God's teachings.

Our Lord is a forgiving and merciful Lord. You can still save yourself before the Tribulation, but you must repent of your sins, ask forgiveness and stop worshiping those other idols and false gods. Be extra vigilant in these present days, as the Tribulation fast approaches. The true Antichrist is now amongst us. His administrative and persuasive abilities will be so overpowering that many from this church will easily be lured to follow his enticing promises for peace and unity.

You have the necessary skills and leadership that Christ values and can utilize as He rules ALL nations following the Tribulation. You can still have everlasting life and have a special place in God's plan during Christ's millennium.

CHURCH in SARDIS: Revelation 3:1-6
Pope John Paul II = Angel to Church in Sardis

You are the church of theologians who profess to teach about God, Jesus Christ, and Christianity; ordained or not – male or female – Jew or Gentile. This includes all denominations, inclusive, who teach and believe God is the Creator and Father of the Universe, and Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind.

Many of you have the true Spirit of the Lord in your hearts and souls and have NEVER been tempted or strayed from your service. Continue to serve and live in Christ and Him in you, until the end, and you will certainly experience life everlasting.

Many have demonstrated imperfect work or behavior since clothing yourself in the service of the Lord. Remember, God knows and sees all. Remember the promises you made when you chose to serve. It is not too late to repent of your sinfulness, reawaken and escape the 2nd death with everlasting life.

The rest of you are fence riders, neither awake nor dead. Conquer death now by choosing to fully awaken yourself fully to serve and live in love and righteousness of the Lord, and you will be guaranteed life everlasting.

CHURCH in PHILADELPHIA: Revelation 3:7-13
Mahatma Gandhi = Angel to Church in Philadelphia

You are the true and holy church. Gandhi understood the true Christian principles and was the closest human to live a pure “Life in Christ” since the days of the New Testament, thus gaining the honor of becoming the first earthbound angel that would blow his trumpet, initiating the beginning of the end, leading up to the Tribulation and End Days.

You're the faithful followers and believers in Christ who have accepted the grace and salvation offered to those who choose to study, understand, and try to live and love fellow man as Jesus Christ did. The Holy Spirit lives in your heart where you can always find peace, joy, comfort & wisdom to face whatever trials evil throws your way to test your faith.

You are God's human, earthbound warriors seeking opportunities to share God's love and be present-day lay disciples of Christ to bring love and understanding to the lost and downtrodden. You are tasked to show the lost that there is still hope for their future, pull them down off the fence, and introduce them to peace and the chance for life everlasting.

You serve in the trenches; often with the worst of the worst, but have found that true inner peace and joy that only the deeply faithful and committed believers possess. Hold onto that faith and never falter, no matter what you face, now or in the future. Always “listen” and feel with your heart, for you have already received an “open door” invitation to everlasting life. Many of the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1-5) will come from this church, as they are the ones who will spend the last 3-1/2 years during the Tribulation traveling the earth, speaking in tongues, to save as many lost or forgotten souls to learn about and accept Christ as their Savior.

CHURCH in LAODICEA: Revelation 3:14-22
Oprah Winfrey = Angel to Church in Laodicea

This is the largest of all the churches. You are the mass of people around the world who are considered “Lukewarm Christians”. You aren't on fire with the love of Christ in your heart, but have not totally abandoned Him and stepped out into the cold to join Satan's army. However, you are at the greatest risk of being deceived by the Antichrist and ending up in the trenches with Satan during the period of Tribulation.

Lukewarm Christians come from Christian families or seek Christianity as an adult. You've obtained just enough education about who God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Bible Old & New Testaments are to be comfortable at church or admitting you are a Christian. However, your education about what makes a Christian “saved” or allow someone to experience “life everlasting” is incomplete or corrupt.

You are under the impression that being “saved” or receiving the privilege of “everlasting life” (even the rapture – another misnomer) are EARNED by your actions or deeds; especially financial contributions to the church or other “worthy causes”. Actually, a homeless person who is penniless and whose only vice is getting quietly intoxicated, yet carries a Holy Bible everywhere, reads from it every day, and possesses the hope and belief in what the scriptures say, has a greater likelihood of peace and life everlasting than the wealthiest person in the world giving all their money away to “worthy” causes, while still living in sin.

You must have the “desire” deep in your heart to want to know, understand, and follow the example of Christ with your own life. Being a Christian is not something you do part time or just an image to portray by doing certain “things” to win “brownie points” with the holy Father from above.

No specific number of good acts or dollars will get God's attention and an open door invitation to Heaven. It's as simple as this, you must be zealous and repent and remember God has an open door to any and every human who desires to truly seek and understand Him.

Every human since the day Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, has lived and acted upon the gift of free will, granted us by God, to live lives in sin. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself on the cross to make it possible for all of mankind's sins, as a result of our free will, to be washed away; however, it also takes this free will for every human to choose to accept the Lord's gift of Grace. He stands at the door of your heart knocking. All you have to do is listen for the knock and the loving voice asking to enter. If you open the door and allow the Lord to come in to eat at your table, He will remain with you as long as you remain a willing host(ess). He will show you how to conquer your fears, find true joy in your life, no matter what your status or age.

Confess your sins, now, invite Christ into your life (open the door to your heart) as your personal Savior, and live your life listening to the wisdom the Holy Spirit speaks to you to guide your daily life. You will NEVER be alone. If you do this, and never ask the Spirit to leave your heart, you will have an open door to everlasting life on earth and in Heaven.

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