Thursday, December 9, 2010

Who's to Blame?

When did the American peoples' attitude and tone change? There’s such discomfort and unhappiness with so much anger and bitterness radiating from every corner of our existence. Regardless of the blame, the response will inevitably point to governmental influences in our daily lives. I won’t argue with any of the responses, but will label them as superficial finger pointing.

Ever since man appeared on this earth, he’s never been satisfied or content with the status quo. Maybe it all started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, which opened their eyes to the knowledge of good and evil. In Genesis, chapter 3, when God questions Adam about his actions, Adam immediately points to Eve and blames her for their dastardly deed. When God questions Eve, she passes the buck by blaming the serpent.

Man’s always been placing the blame for all the ills, wrongs, inappropriate acts or outcomes, on the most convenient or obvious offender, rather than standing firm and taking responsibility, when guilty. Every day of our life we are faced with decisions: what to wear; eat; the words we speak; to text and drive; drinking after work then driving home; and whether we vote or not.

Every decision results in an outcome. Usually harmless, but what about the use of words which cause irreparable harm to the future (i.e., job, relationship, emotions, health, etc.) of another human being? Do you shrug your responsibility for the destruction of another’s happiness and well-being, or try to blame it on someone or something else?

Maybe you're angry or unhappy with America and going to great lengths to cause extreme embarrassment to national allies just to express your personal feelings (i.e. WikiLeaks); recruiting others via brainwashing to serve your personal agenda, etc. History demonstrates that individuals who've caused the greatest personal harm or damage have done it by recruiting other like-minded believers who may have insecurities and are looking for a role-model for self-direction.

These role-models become the "Serpent" from the Garden of Eden who find "innocent" humans in search of knowledge, understanding or acceptance. If the Serpent is convincing enough that the "forbidden fruit" or "act" is harmless or will not cause "the individual" any harm, then they are more than eager to partake.

ALL of us need to step back and do a little self-introspection. Take an inventory of what you have done in word or acts, which may have played any kind of role in our present-day situation. Even doing absolutely nothing (not voting, volunteering time at your child's school, or in your community), can make you just as responsible for our present-day situation as the acts of radicals trying to change policies into their own personal agenda and profits.

It doesn't matter whether you are a U.S. citizen or a foreign national partaking of acts within our borders or abroad; EVERYONE must take ownership for each and every act or lack of action, especially if there's a direct affect on the overall stability of our social environment and human civility.

These are the UNITED States. We must come together, unified, without personal agendas, greedy anticipation of extreme financial gain, or finger pointing. Stand firm, take responsibility to act and participate in helping our country get back on track. Take an interest and become INFORMED about what you are actually acting on, signing or agreeing with or to do, because it’s your signature. You MUST accept responsibility for your actions or LACK of action. No more whining or finger pointing allowed!

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